We're Hiring! Mr. G's Express is looking for full and part-time car wash attendants. Apply online now! Employment Application Applicant InformationName:* First Middle Last Address:* Street Address City State ZIP Phone:*Email:* Date Available:Desired Salary:Position Applied for:Are you a citizen of the United States?YesNoIf no, are you authorized to work in the U.S.?YesNoHave you ever worked for this company?YesNoIf yes, when?Have you ever been convicted of a felony?YesNoIf yes, explain:EducationHigh School Name:Address:Dates Attended: From To Did you graduate?YesNoDiploma:College Name:Address:Dates Attended: From To Did you graduate?YesNoDegree or Major:Other Educational Institution:Address:Dates Attended: From To Did you graduate?YesNoDegree or Major:ReferencesPlease list three professional references.Full Name:Company:Relationship:Phone:Address:Full Name:Company:Relationship:Phone:Address:Full Name:Company:Relationship:Phone:Address:Previous EmploymentCompany:Phone:Address:Supervisor:Job Title:Salary: Starting Salary Ending Salary Responsibilities:Dates Employed: From To Reason for Leaving:May we contact them?YesNoCompany:Phone:Address:Supervisor:Job Title:Salary: Starting Salary Ending Salary Responsibilities:Dates Employed: From To Reason for Leaving:May we contact them?YesNoCompany:Phone:Address:Supervisor:Job Title:Salary: Starting Salary Ending Salary Responsibilities:Dates Employed: From To Reason for Leaving:May we contact them?YesNoAcknowledgement By checking this box, I certify that the above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release. Date Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY